Sunday, 29 January 2012

Oh, this world..

One thing that really bothers me is the devestation in this world! There's so many things I want to do and so many people I want to help, but there's so much holding me back. I'm only one small, little girl filled in a world with sin and destruction. I'm only one person. I can't stop earthquakes, I can't stop starvation, I can't stop sin. But one thing I can do is pray. Pray and pray and pray. I had some reasurance from some friends, and they told me that it only takes one, and no one is holding anyone back from making a difference.
I don't understand why such horrible things happen to those who are weak and hopeless, but all I know is that God intended it for a reason.
I'd like to give credit to Tyler Ward. He wrote a song after the earthquake in Haiti. I'll post the video below. My favourite part part of the song is "we'll never really know what you went through that day." It's true. We have NO idea what those people went through, and why they had to go through it, "what else can I do, but just pray for you?" Hearing this song, and seeing the pictures just want to make me cry, because most of those people didn't deserve what happened, and I want to help them. This accident happened a little over a year ago, and the people still need help!
Sometimes I just feel so selfish. I go to school, worrying about what people think about me, fighting with people, having bitterness in my heart. I go to school wanting people to accept me, I come home and sometimes fight with my family. I sit in my room wondering why some people don't like me, and I wonder why things can get so bad. But then I think about the people who have lost their homes, loved ones, and even hope. I realize that I have a great life. I have a family that loves me, I have friends that support me, and most importantly, I have a God that loves me. You have a God that loves YOU! Those people have a God that loves them!
Every night before I go to bed, I pray. I pray for my family, I thank the Lord for an amazing day I had, and I pray for the helpless, and the people who think they have no hope, and that the Lord's loving and guiding hand would be over them. Prayer works.
People have been saved from the rubble, people have recovered to help others who have lost things most important to them.
I guess we all have to be thankful for what we have, because we live in a sinful world where people have much less.
Sometimes I feel so small in this huge world, but with God, we can accomplish anything, no matter what the task.


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